Supporting Urban Farm U
Urban Farm U is the online portion of our teaching programs. We used to offer several courses and some in-person classes too, however in 2020 the world changed and we responded. As the world was still figuring out what “lockdown” meant, we gave 60+ days of free nightly webinars while the coronavirus changed how we connected with our friends and neighbors. We transitioned all of our in-person classes into online webinars. We updated our processes and platforms, we hired more people, and expanded what we were doing. The need for our content was growing and we did too.
Now, we are turning to you as we need your help to keep growing and sharing. The registrations for what we teach continue as people are looking to be more resilient in this ever-increasingly challenged world we occupy. We want to keep making as much of this free as possible, and YOU have the power to help us do that.
— Many Thanks – From Greg, Janis, & Tayler

Here are the Two Best ways to show your support:
Purchase a Course
or All Access Pass for a Summit.
This is the best choice as it directly supports a program and lets us know what topics are important. Not only does this add content to your personal library on your student portal, this supports all of our programs. We have several great courses to choose from – all related to helping you find success as you build your own version of an urban farm.
Donate and
support multiple programs
Doing all that we do requires a team, and we need to pay them a respectable wage. If one of our podcasts or webinars resonates with you or gave you inspiration, we would love it if you let us know by sending us a little cash to keep those programs funded. You can make one time donations as often as you want or choose from the monthly donation options available.
You can help in other ways too.
And, of course we know there are times when money is tight, however your support still makes a difference and very much appreciated.
All in all, we love what we do. Mostly because we love seeing what happens when our participants are inspired. So, let us know what kind of urban farm you’ve created in your space, even if that is just a corner of a patio.
Add a Comment
on our Replays.
If you happen to catch a class or other presentation in a replay, please add a comment to let us know that you appreciated the video. Those comments help us know which presentations are the most effective and we will focus on those topics.
Tell Your Friends
about us.
You can post a comment and tag us on social media, share a blog article or the class announcement emails we send, or just chat about us while at a meal. Your opinion has weight, and might encourage someone to seek us out for inspiration of their own.
As always, Greg, Janis and their support crew did a great job of handling everything at the Pop-Up Nursery. I was late for my appointment towards the end of the day, and they still had my order ready and available for pickup with a smile and a kind word.
Very efficient my appointment was at 9:00 I was out of there at 9:10.
My pick up at the pop up nursery went very smoothly, everyone was very nice and helpful! They are very well organized.
Thank you Urban Farm for all the information on how to grow fruit trees in the desert. Never done this before. Took the plunge and my three fruit trees are alive and thriving! Thank you!