65: Maat van Uitert on Homesteading with Chickens

Maat van Uitert is a homesteading and chicken expert who helps everyday people learn to grow food in their own backyard. She is the founder of the blog FrugalChicken, the author of Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock, and a sought-after freelance writer. When not writing and raising poultry, Maat develops online courses about backyard farming to spread the message that freedom is ripe for the picking. Grab a free eBook about using fermented feed to raise healthier chickens at TheFrugalChicken.com/TheBetterEgg.
Listen in to find out how a hen’s diet affects her egg quality and immunity, how to raise chickens if you don’t have much space, and her #1 time saving tip for backyard farming. 

Where can you find more from Maat?
Frugal Chicken Facebook Page

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One Response

  1. The FrugalChicken by Maat van Uitert is a very good resource blog for anyone who is interested in homesteading. He gives practical tips for both beginners and experts.

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