5: Asking “What is Urban Farming to You?”

We each have our own definition for urban farming and ways of getting involved. In this episode, Jake Mace, Scott Murray, Tayler Jenkins, Kari Spencer, Justin Cutter, and even Jason Mraz weigh in on what urban farming means to them! What do you think? Comment below on what YOUR unique contribution to the movement is!


Justin Cutter has a diverse array of life experiences that have added to his knowledge and skill base. From three years as a monk in India to living and working on a schooner in Hawaii, to working as Co-Director of Programs in Japan for the David Lynch Foundation, he has always pursued work for the betterment of humankind and the environment. Working closely with John Jeavons (founder of GROW BIOINTENSIVE sustainable agriculture) in 2009 and 2010, Justin helped found the Green Belt Team for teaching Biointensive sustainable farming in developing nations, and set up the mini-farm site for their internship on California’s Mendocino Coast. After that he started Compass Green to bring sustainability education to at-risk youth in the USA, and has so far taught 36,000 students in 30 states. Stay tuned for our full interview with Justin in December!

010-scott_murrayScott Murray has 42 years of organic agricultural production experience in the United States and Mexico.  He has a multitude of experience with conservation, food production, and environmental leadership—including serving as an elected California Conservation official for the last 22 years and president of South Coast Resource Conservation and Development Council. Scott also specializes in farmland preservation projects utilizing Smart Growth Principles. Stay tuned for our full interview with Scott this December!

Jake Mace
was born in British Columbia, Canada and has lived in the Phoenix Area since 1993. Jake attended Arizona State University and currently is a full time teacher of Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Yoga, Fitness, Urban Gardening, Edible Landscapes, and Golf. He currently teaches at many companies and Universities in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler. He also teaches Martial Arts, Fitness, Tai Chi, Yoga, Gardening, and Golf to people from around The World via his successful YouTube channel and Online School of the Martial Arts at JakeMace.com. Outside of teaching, Jake’s real passion is as an advocate for the environment, animals, and people. Jake has been a Vegan Vegetarian for nearly 15 years and believes in preserving The Earth, it’s resources, and it’s living inhabitants so that future generations of people can enjoy them as he has! Jake Studied Mandarin Chinese while attending ASU and Duke Universities. Currently Jake lives with his wife Pamela and their many adopted animals on their edible urban homestead in Tempe. Listen to our full intervie with Jake here.


Kari Spencer is a popular local gardening & homesteading speaker. Both a Master Gardener and a Master Farmer, Kari enjoys sharing her passion for growing and raising food with others. In addition to teaching classes all over the city of Phoenix, she is a talented instructor and curriculum writer in the Urban Farming department at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Her family operates The Micro Farm Project, a small farm in North Phoenix, where gardens and livestock animals provide her family with fun and food. She loves to experiment with new ways to create a healthier, more self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle, and invites others to join her on the journey. Listen to our full interview with Kari here.

Tayler Jenkins 
is an Arizona native living in Portland, OR. A self-proclaimed “real foodie,” has done extensive research on food systems and took a leading role in activism on her college campus to spread education and awareness about healthy, ethical food. In 2013, she spent a few months living on a permaculture farm in Nepal conducting research on conservation farming and local food system governance. Tayler received a BS in Sustainability from Arizona State University in 2015 and is the operations manager for Urban Farm U and editor of two newsletters: Urban Farm Lifestyle and The Permaculture Life. She intends to use these as a medium for sharing knowledge and generating interest in urban farming and sustainability. Tayler can be reached at


Jason Mraz is known around the world for being a popular singer-songwriter. What people may not know is that he’s also a dedicated surfer, farmer-gardener, filmmaker, and photographer, and Mraz considers himself first and foremost a committed global citizen. His impassioned social activism and philanthropic efforts span wide-ranging environmental advocacy and ardent support for LGBT equality. He’s participated in global activism such as a rescue mission to Ghana with Free The Slaves and an internationally broadcast performance in Myanmar to bring awareness to human trafficking with MTV Exit. Through it all, Jason Mraz continually confirms and celebrates music’s myriad forms and miraculous power, inspiring and delighting his countless fans around the world he calls home.



Justin Cutter
Compass Green Website
Compass Green Facebook
Jake Mace
Kari Spencer
The Micro Farm Project Website
The Micro Farm Project Facebook
Tayler Jenkins
Real Food ASU
Writings for Urban Farm U

Jason Mraz
Jason Mraz Website
Jason Mraz Facebook
Jason Mraz YouTube
Jason Mraz Twitter


Next Up:

Paul Dysinger on Winter Growing on a Budget
Michael Olson on 2×2 Pledge
Lisa Steele with Fresh Eggs Daily

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