Reach people who need your
products by partnering with
The Urban Farm Podcast!
The Urban Farm Podcast is your connection to the food revolution with weekly (or more) conversations with some of the best and most innovative regenerative farmers and home gardeners out there, interviews with up and coming urban growers, and inspiration from healthy-food visionaries around the globe.
Farmer Greg and his team dig for incredible interviews to share that inspire, empower, and drive listeners to create their own urban farms, or at the very least seek knowledge about where their food comes from.
The Urban Farm Podcast with Greg Peterson
Why Partnering with The Urban Farm Podcast is a smart business move!
Do you have a great product that helps people grow their own food?
If so, becoming a podcast partner is the best way to reach people who want it!
Our engaged audience of farmers, gardeners and permaculturists are looking for products like yours to help them grow food.
The Urban Farm Podcast is in the top 1% of all podcasts for listens.
Partnering with us for a month gives you over 75,000 impressions in front of this highly targeted audience!
Who listens to The Urban Farm Podcast?
Our listening audience is made up of local gardeners and urban farmers, even some small farmers.
We have listeners who sell produce at farmers markets, and some that sell food adjacent products.
We have soil scientists, homeowners, organic gardeners, organic farmers, permaculture enthusiasts, and garden based educators.
One thing they all have in common is that they are all committed to eating and growing heathy food.
This is the podcast for anyone who grows their own food
Our weekly episodes are a must-listen for people who are involved in their local food system
(Or as we like to say: We help healthy food visionaries create a local food revolution! ✊)
Our guests range from experts to newbies – and they share epic stories, insights and tips on growing food.
Listeners come away feeling inspired and ready to put these lessons into practice in their own gardens or farms!
If you have a product that could help our audience, we encourage you to apply for one of the exclusive spots as a podcast partner.
Why partner with The Urban Farm Podcast?
Reach people who want your products – Our community is actively looking for ways to improve their food harvest
Reliable and consistent exposure – We have consistently released new episodes every week since 2015
Dedicated listeners – The Urban Farm Podcast is in the top 1% of all podcasts for listens.
Complete Coverage – Interestingly listeners of The Urban Farm Podcast are consistently listening back to our first episode from 2015. On a day where we receive 4000 listens over 700 of our podcast episodes are heard. Our podcast technology allows us to auto insert your ad in all of our episodes.
Listeners love it:
The Podcast by the numbers
We have a highly engaged audience that tunes in regularly to both new and past episodes.
You will be featured on all 750+ episodes during the month when you are our featured partner!

- Launched in 2015
- 850+ total episodes
- 25,000 average listens per month
- Over 5 million total listens (and counting!)
- 80% of listenership in the USA
- Email list with 50,000 subscribers
- Facebook pages with 20,000 followers
- Expect over 70,000 impressions a month between our podcast ads and email list.
- Organic Gardeners
- Organic Farmers
- Soil scientists
- Homeowners
- Garden based educators
Our listening audience is made up of local gardeners and urban farmers, even some rural farmers. We have listeners who simply share their harvests with friends and family, while others sell produce at farmers markets, and some that sell added value products. We have organic gardeners, organic farmers, soil scientists, permaculture enthusiasts & educators, seed savers, seed growers, food system activists, and garden based educators.
One thing they all have in common is that they are all committed to growing and eating heathy food.
We have an extensive library of over 850 permaculture based, food growing educational podcast episodes. Our audience is worldwide with high exposure in The United States (over 80%), as well as strong numbers in Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and over 100 more countries. Our library receives 25,000+ listens a month, and that number is growing. We have exceeded 5 Million listens since our launch in 2015.
With our established audience of backyard gardeners, small farmers, local food activists, food-adjacent small businesses, permaculture enthusiasts, and soil builders that are excited to learn about new products and processes, we feel we have a prime audience for certain products. The question is are you a good fit for us?
What our audience wants from you
Our listeners want to know about products that will help them best, so we promote offers we’ve tried, tested, and believe in.
This is a good fit if you have physical products or events that help people grow food, build soil or support the local food system.
Our listeners want solutions to questions like:
- How do I plant this?
- How do I grow that?
- How do I tackle this pest issue?
- How do I compost?
- How do I grow this when my growing zone doesn’t usually support it?
- How can I make my soil healthier so I can get healthier harvests?
- How can I save money while growing my own food?
If you have a product that answers any of those questions or maybe one we’ve not listed, you should partner with us!
Our host is a go-to expert in the industry
He gets featured in the media…
When you partner with The Urban Farm Podcast,
you align yourself with powerful brands and industry experts!
The Partnership Package
Get 100,000+ impressions from people who need your product the most
The package is designed to give you maximum exposure to people who need your products.
There are only 10 spots available each year, so apply now to get one of our coveted partnerships.
Here is everything that can be included
in your month of sponsorship:
- Intro and Outro ads on all 850+ Episodes of the Urban Farm Podcast for the month Value: $3225
We will update all 800+ episodes with your ad, so no matter which episode the listener chooses they are hearing your message.
- A dedicated email promoting your product to our list of over 50,000 subscribers Value: $1200
We will write an email dedicated to your product adding our signature and send it out to our list.
- A podcast interview with your founder or spokesperson Value: $800
Join Greg for a fun interview to share your story and your product and how it can help our listeners.
- Visual ads on our website Value: $800
We will have widgets on our website sidebars to promote your product
- Switch out audio ad mid month - We will insert a new ad mid month Value: $250
With this package you get $6,275 worth of exposure for just $2000 a calendar month!
Plus, you can save even more by booking a recurring yearly spot for more exposure.
Click the button below to start your application!
Do you have a small business?
Reach out and talk to us about our scaled pricing opportunities for small enterprises!