In June’s Seed Chat, Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson delve into the art of cultivating optimal seed stock straight from your garden. Discover the satisfaction of hand-selecting seeds that thrive in your unique microenvironment. Bill and Greg explore the importance of observing characteristics of your plants for selecting what you want and looking for obvious factors such as disease and insect resistance. Learn how to enhance your garden’s resilience by selecting seeds adapted to local conditions in your garden or farm. Bill and Greg will present a green-thumb guide on curating seed stock that reflects your garden’s personality and promises seasons of success. Come Chat with Us!
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In this LIVE online Q&A Session…
(*No class in January)
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Faculty: Bill McDorman was Executive Director and co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance (, and Seed School. Bill has been teaching seed saving for decades and is dedicated to educating communities about the value of seed saving and local seeds as the foundation of local food.