799: Prepping Soil for New Gardens – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay.Soil the most important thing you can be investing in for your garden. Made up of 5 components and if all you have is the dirt component your chances of success are low. Invest the time to learn then invest in soil. This is our Rosie on the House segment with Shota Austin from Tanks green Stuff…Enjoy!
794: Kristin Parsons on Guilds – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay.Kristin Parsons joined us for our monthly Rosie on the House Radio hour talking about plant guilds. What is a guild you say? It is a beneficial collection of purposely planted plants that self generate in the future. Ya know kinda like nature does. She also share the 7 components of a guild…Enjoy!
788: It’s Not Too Late to Plant Your Fruit Trees

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. It’s not to late to plant your fruit trees and you know the old adage the best time to plant a tree is now and 20 years ago. So let’s get to it and plant our trees. Join Greg and Romey as they explore what ultimate fruit tree success really means and how not to waist our time on trees that just don’t do all that well.
782: Patio Farming – Growing Food in Pots and Containers – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. What if farming could be simple? A few pots on the patio, either back or front and you are growing food for yourself and the neighborhood. Join Greg as he chats with Kari Spencer about Patio Farming and how to get it done. It is really that simple.
778: Get Saving Those Seeds, It’s Easier Than You Think – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. Join Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson as they chat about the 5 easiest seeds to save. The first one discussed is how to save tomatoes. Plus they share about their yearly event called the GreatAmericanSeedUp.org that is the biggest seed saving bazaar in the country. There is nothing else like it!
762: Denali Canning On The Future Of Home Preservation.

Building A Path To Better Food Preservation And Homesteading. Two friends Prince Singh and Trent Pezzano share their journey of bringing a small business with Big community goals to life! As the founders of Denali Canning they have focused on building a relationship with their home preservation customers, and have really enjoyed the results. They have got a great energy, and a great story.
Mesquite Bean Harvesting

Mesquite Bean HarvestingIt’s (almost) time to pick mesquite by Farmer Greg [dt_divider style=”thin” /]In Arizona and the desert southwest we have some incredible things to eat in the desert like […]
What is Permaculture & The 2022 Phoenix Permaculture Design Course

598: Tommie Hockett on Sharing Seeds with Friends

598: Tommie Hockett on Sharing Seeds with Friends. Splitting a Seed Up In a Box with six others and building community resilience. In This Podcast: We hear first-hand experience from […]
589: Starting an Organic Orchard

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes – Greg Peterson chats with the Urban Farm General Manager, Janis Norton, as she shares the story behind how her and Greg met, what led Janis to the world of organic gardening, and how she…