531: J. Brown on Yoga’s Evolution

530: J. Brown on Yoga’s Evolution

Watching the world of yoga change from underground to mainstream. – In This Podcast: Many of our listeners find inner peace in their gardens but after this interview with J. Brown, you may find yourself wanting to explore the therapeutic nature of yoga. Not all yoga involves the complicated…

A world without antibiotics

by Guest blogger: William Bruneau – We are fast approaching a time when pharmaceutical anti-pathogens (antibiotics, antifungals, anti-malarials, etc) will essentially be useless, forever more. It is hard to imagine a world without anti-pathogens, where diseases and infections cannot be cured. Easy to grow and simple medicinals make…

RECIPE: Garlic and Herb Focaccia

By Guest Blogger: Ron Mantini – We enjoy making this bread on Sundays in my home as Sunday is always Pasta day and bread is a fantastic side dish for any pasta.  The smell of the focaccia baking is incredible and all of my kids start running to the kitchen when they get whiff of it.  Its especially a great use of our fresh…

My Soil Experiment

My Soil Experiment by Guest blogger: Steve SzuderaFounder of Table Top Farmer Listen to his podcast at HERE October of 2014 at a conference dinner reception it was suggested from […]

407: Steve Szudera on Nutrient Rich Soil

407: Steve Szudera on Nutrient Rich Soil. Becoming a steward of the soil. Steve is a third-generation farmer from western North Dakota with over 35 years of no-till farming experience […]

143: Cara Dafforn on Dehydrating the Urban Farm

We venture back in time with Cara Dafforn to learn how the women homesteaders of the mid 1800’s cooked, gardened, nurtured, and survived during the trials of the Civil War.  She explains to Greg that as a history buff she was intrigued enough to try to replicate many of the processes in use during the time period

23: Diane Kennedy on Simple, Inexpensive Abundance

Today, we are joined by Diane Kennedy of Finch Frolic Garden, a Food Forest Habitat in San Diego as she talks about creating simple, inexpensive abundance through the practice and implementation of permaculture on your property. 

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