746: Renee Dang on Rainwater Harvesting
Learning about collecting the rain and sharing the journey. Renee Dang wanted to learn more about Rainwater Harvesting, and as she jumped into researching this topic, she used her lack of experience to ask important questions that every new water harvester wants to ask. She explains how using this unique perspective, and her strength in technical writing, she works to help others understand a water sustainability option for any property that receives rain.
693: Paul Horner on Vermicomposting
Worms are people too. – When his previous industry ground to a sudden halt, Paul Horner decided to farm worms, and this unusual decision turned his life in a completely unexpected direction. His enthusiastic appreciation for the humble worm has fueled a passion for educating others about the value of…
416: Sarah Boltwala-Mesina on Community Composting
Transforming waste into soil, jobs, and community – Sarah Boltwala-Mesina, along with other parents, hoped to start a recycling program at their children’s school. This was the first step on her journey to creating Food2Soil, her business that collects food scraps from people and businesses in San Diego and turns those scraps into…
405: Rhonda Sherman on Worm Farming
405: Rhonda Sherman on Worm Farming. Organically recycling through vermicomposting. Rhonda is an extension specialist in the Department of Horticultural Science at North Carolina State University, providing leadership for university […]
375: Eddy Garcia on Polystyrene Eating Bugs.
375: Eddy Garcia on Polystyrene Eating Bugs. Finding an ally in nature for waste disposal. Eddy, has an E.B.N. or as he likes to call it Educated By Nature degree. […]
We Need to STOP Recycling!
We Need to STOP Recycling! By Janis Norton,Manager of The Urban Farm. Scrolling through social media is a real challenge lately. Not even touching on the political minefields, the reality […]
251: Shane Jordan on Minimizing Food Waste
251: Shane Jordan on Minimizing Food Waste. Making recipes from those leftover ingredients that might have been tossed. – – – – Shane is a vegetarian chef and author based […]
195: Cricket Aldridge on Suburban Homesteading
Fellow permaculturist and gardener Cricket Aldridge joins Greg in the studio to talk about her urban farm and how much she loves everything about it. She tells about some of her favorite aspects and what she’s able to grow or make from her harvests, from canning to mead making and many other things besides.
181: Quita Jackson on Thrifty Self Sufficiency
Being green is all about having less of a negative impact on the planet and here Greg chats with Quita who has fully adopted a new lifestyle and loves helping others find their way into it as well. Quita tells how she got the courage to start gardening, and how that gave her confidence to try new ways to become self-sufficient even while living in a major city. Her encouraging attitude and caring nature helps as she spreads the word about little steps people can take in their own lives.
Go Urbanite!
Go Urbanite! Hi all, One of my favorite building materials is free. Yes, I said free, and it is available literally by the ton just waiting for us to pick […]