755: Water Harvesting For Our Gardens – A Garden Chat

“Rain, Rain, go away?” Whoever said that never had to water a garden in the summer months. Join us as we chat with our good friend and water harvesting educator Don Titmus about boosting our water resources for our gardens with a few simple systems that can quickly pay for themselves.

735: Your First Garden Is Your Worst Garden

A Garden Chat with Emily Rockey. – Are you starting your first garden? Take heart!! Your First Garden is Your Worst Garden, and that means you can experience a variety of challenges, setbacks, excitement, and successes too. Let’s talk about these and what comes next. Join Emily Rockey and…

692: Fertilizing Through Irrigation

Scott Murray

A Garden Chat with Scott Murray. – Watering your gardens is a step that we all need to do. Fertilizing is just as important, although sometimes not as easy to remember. Both chores can be done in a variety of ways and too many choices might prevent us from starting. Join us as we chat with our friend…

690: Jolene Kuty on Creating a 10-year Vision

Setting an urban farming goal and then making it a reality. – When Dr. Jolene Kuty and her husband were ready to start planting on their bare new property, they spent a lot of time planning what they wanted to do in the space and how they wanted it to look in 10 years. They wisely took even more…

647: Seth Siegel on Water Scarcity in Agricultural Areas

Exploring Solutions to Current Water Challenges for Farming — Seth Siegel is passionate about tackling the world’s water problems before they get to crisis level. He explains the practical steps necessary to put into practice the solutions he has gathered from around the world. Agriculture is one of the largest consumers of…

620: Water In and For Our Landscape

A Garden Chat with Don Titmus.– In This Podcast: Greg, co-host Janis Norton, and Don discuss how to apply permaculture concepts to address water issues in our landscapes. They dive deep to reveal the natural systems that protect plants from climate extremes, and they explore ways we can…

615: Getting Started with Greywater

A Farmer Friday interview with Laura Allen: Greg talks with Laura Allen from Greywater Action about a great way to get more life out of our water – by sending water we have already used in our home out to our garden instead of down the drain. Laura reveals the easiest…

495: Sara El-Sayed on Low-Tech Irrigation

Sara El-Sayed fi

Pursuing regenerative farming solutions for desert climates and communities. – In This Podcast: Dry, arid regions make for some creative watering strategies. Sara El-Sayed has taken the traditional olla method of watering to a new level by incorporating drip irrigation tubing. The…

257: Laura Allen on Greywater

257: Laura Allen on Greywater. Exploring low-tech, sustainable water solutions for urban homes and landscapes. Laura has spent the past 15 years exploring low-tech, urban, sustainable water solutions, while earning […]

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