557: Kim Eierman on Pollinator Victory Gardens

Calling bees, butterflies, and more to your landscape There is a lot of focus on the importance of pollinators, yet there is still a concerning decline in populations. Kim Eierman, author of The Pollinator Victory Garden, specializes in environmental horticulture, and is encouraging gardeners to…
Pollinator Gardening Tips

Pollinator Gardening Tips by Guest blogger: Jaime Pawelek. Gardens can serve many functions in our lives, but they can also help conserve valuable wildlife, including pollinators, like bees, butterflies, wasps, flies and hummingbirds. Not only can you grow your own food and medicine, but you can cultivate a garden that supports pollinators at the same time.
318: Jessica Walliser on Attracting Beneficial Bugs

318: Jessica Walliser on Attracting Beneficial Bugs. Recognizing the connections between insects and plant life. Jessica earned her degree in Horticulture from Penn State University and co-hosts “The Organic Gardeners”, […]
23: Diane Kennedy on Simple, Inexpensive Abundance

Today, we are joined by Diane Kennedy of Finch Frolic Garden, a Food Forest Habitat in San Diego as she talks about creating simple, inexpensive abundance through the practice and implementation of permaculture on your property.